Thursday, March 19th, 2015

Luna Quest
W. Eric Faber
Thu 19 Mar 2015 21:58
Daily run: 106 miles
Last night, a little before sunset, the wind increased in strength and the parasailor became untenable for the night. In 13/14 knots of wind we managed to get the great sail down and stowed down below. With Julia on the helm and Luna Quest under engine power we then headed into the wind (despite a fishing net attached to the propeller) to hoist the mainsail. As soon as that was done, we silenced the engine and rolled out the genoa to leeward. We were ready for the night and the wind held all night at around 13 knots, but with sunrise this morning, the wind died.
While the bigger boats heading the fleet have been and are enjoying great sailing breezes, Luna Quest and a few others at the rear of the fleet are having to cope with variable wind strengths that sometimes barely fill the sails. This morning we were on the point of taking the mainsail down to stop it from thrashing itself asunder in the 7kn of winds, when the wind suddenly improved to 9.5kn that kept the sails just filled despite the rolling on the lazy pacific swell.