Sunday, March 8th

Luna Quest
W. Eric Faber
Sun 8 Mar 2015 21:18
Position: 4.58S 98.03W

Daily Run: 138 miles (135 miles for 7.3.15)

Yesterday was a busy and exhausting day with many sail changes and little sleep the night before. The parasailor had demanded a lot of attention in the night although our progress was good with a full moon veiled by a thin cloud cover providing us with plenty of light to manage the parasailor, but yesterday the wind veered to the Southeast making the use of the big sail untenable for our course to Hiva OA. As fellow fleet participants had been reporting much stronger winds further south, we decided to take the parasailor down while we still could in a moderate breeze and go into the night with two reefs in the mainsail and a full genoa. There had been no sun to cheer us and replenish our batteries enabling me send a posting to my blog. I hoped for clear skies tomorrow, which, alas, brought an even duller day with drizzle and squally conditions. Julia has had to take some rest after she bumped her back into the chart table last night making a moussaka. We missed the 8pm roll call as a result.

Julia has been resting today while I have been carrying out instructions in the galley. We hope to have her back on her feet again in a few days.
