Saturday 4th July, 2015

Luna Quest
W. Eric Faber
Sat 4 Jul 2015 00:13
Noon Position: 18.06S 175.29E

Run since Musket Cove: 106 miles

Cyclone Rachel decided to track southeasterly from the Solomon Islands and would therefore not hinder our passage to Vanuatu. It would upset the trade winds together with a deep low from New Zealand, heading north first but deflecting east, leaving an area of little and uncertain winds in between where we were supposed to be sailing. Rally Control advised Luna Quest (being the smallest boat in the fleet) to leave early so as to have a better chance of arriving in Tanna (Vanuatu) on schedule (i.e. Tuesday). Having checked the weather forecast, we agreed and were on our way by 3pm, Friday afternoon. The rest of the fleet were clearing out while we were piloted out from among the reefs around Musket Cove. We were sorry to leave the resort early and before the rest of the fleet, who would set off the following day on Saturday. Yes, we have been given a head start, but the bigger boats are not expected to take more than 3 days.

Despite all the cyclonic weather around us, we are enjoying clear skies, a full moon and plenty of sunshine, a welcome change from the poor conditions we have been experiencing in Fiji. However, the winds are feeble and we have had to motor all night and the better part of today. The hope is for a little more wind soon. The total distance to Tanna is 470 miles.
