Friday, 6th November, 2015

Luna Quest
W. Eric Faber
Fri 6 Nov 2015 08:49
Daily run: 140 logged miles
The gale has moved on leaving us with a big swell and banging sails in a gentle breeze of 10 knots from the East increasing occasionally to 15 knots, when the sails will fill and stand. We pray for a sustained 15 knots or more as the banging is unbearable and causing no doubt untold latent damage, but we have had the banging before without evidence of any damage. The frequency of sighting ships has increased markedly and our AIS instruments (Automatic Identification System) are giving us timely warnings of their coming; having checked with several of them, we can be confident that our AIS is not only receiving, but also transponding our signal unto to their screen giving them all of Luna Quest’s details. The AIS system is global and obligatory except for small craft and small fishing vessels, but out in the ocean there are no such small craft and those that are would be at risk without it. It was one of the World ARC 2015 requirements to be fitted with one.
The clouds are being chased away and the sun has returned. It makes life so much pleasanter. We are planning on 140 miles a day (i.e. measured miles on the chart) to Richards Bay enabling us to make landfall on Tuesday evening.