Preparing for Arrival
Luna Quest
W. Eric Faber
Mon 3 Feb 2014 14:01
Daily Run: 128 miles
Another full rainbow, first thing this morning, with its beginnings just off my starboard bow, so close as to almost invite me to scale it. The last of a squall had just spent its final drop of fresh water on Luna Quest when a starkly clear sky produced a hot sun to help create the rainbow. For much of the voyage, the waning moon has been largely absent, both because of cloud cover and timing of moonrise. The constellation of Orion, almost overhead, has kept me company most nights, while in the morning I can see the Plough and the Pole star quite clearly. Venus has been a very bright planet in the early morning hours, still visible in the East as the sun comes up from below the horizon.
Today (day 20) marks the last day out on the Atlantic. I have shortened sail to give me an average speed of 5 knots till the morning when I expect to see the outlines of Antigua and make landfall during the day. Only 125 miles to go to Falmouth Marina on the south coast of the island (making a total of 2,385 miles). I shall have my last rump steak tonight with the last of the potatoes and Spanish salad with onions.