Wednesday, 11th March, 2015

Luna Quest
W. Eric Faber
Wed 11 Mar 2015 19:36
Daily Run: 149 miles
We have covered around a third of the distance to Hiva OA (Marquesas). The bigger boats are now a few days ahead of us and they will have longer to cruise French Polynesia on arrival, but we are making good progress and the sun is out. Unfortunately, we cannot open any of the windows or hatches, because the sea is quite rough in the 20kn of SE trade wind on our port quarter and every now again a wave will leap aboard. It is therefore quite hot in the cabin and it is a pleasure to go into the cockpit for a scan of the horizon or adjust the Hydrovane. The sea has a long deep swell with waves on their tops and some breaking, but whatever their size, Luna Quest rides over them easily. All night long we have been creaming along at around 7 knots and it would have been more if we did not have to tow the water generator, which last night, unfortunately, managed to get itself tangled up. Without the tangle we would have been at least half a knot faster.
The heat in the cabin at 32C was exacerbated by our attempts this morning to make bread, since we had to chuck all bread bought off the shelf over the side yesterday. Under close supervision and with a live kneading demonstration, we managed between us 8 white bread rolls with half the dough. They look delicious. The rest being reserved for tonight’s pizza. Julia is improving, but she will not be able to undertake much of any of the cooking tasks for some time to come. Her quarter berth is quite comfortable with three cushions and a leather back rest from the saloon.