Thursday, 23rd January

Luna Quest
W. Eric Faber
Sat 24 Jan 2015 03:58
Daily Run: 140 miles
Destination: Cayos Holandes in the San Blas Islands
We are anchored off an idyllic little island amongst the many islands in the San Blas group of islands. They are of a size that you can walk round them in a few hours. They all have pristine white beaches with azure waters lapping on to them, where palm trees offer some shade to the elderly couple (Julia and me) walking on them. On one of islands, that we dinghied to, we came across three Indian families where the children appeared very happy swimming and playing in the water. Hesitant at first, they soon discovered we were friendly and then walked with us wherever we went. A little footpath led us to their settlement of a couple of huts made entirely of stakes and leaves for the roof. They appeared to have one for cooking and one for sleeping (hammocks). The floor was earth. A mother of two children was suckling her third, while another had five and pregnant. Their dark skin and black hair spoke of a life close to nature and an absence of western influence. Julia had brought with her some foods from the shelves of Waitrose for trading purposes, which she now swapped for some local produce.
Tomorrow we shall be in search of another island before checking in with immigration on El Porvenir island on Monday. Then we must find our way to Colon, where the Panama canal starts….