Saturday, 16th May, 2015

Luna Quest
W. Eric Faber
Sun 17 May 2015 00:56
Daily run: 108 miles
Whereas our next port of call is Niue (having given up on Suwarrow for lack of time and wind), which lies to the SW of Bora Bora, where we last were, we have been heading NW to avoid an area of low pressure heading our way from the South. Had we gone on a rhumb line from Bora Bora to Niue, we would have been severely bashed about by now. The low pressure area is tracking North, however, and we are going to get some of it tomorrow and Monday. If you have been following the fleet on the yellow brick website, you may have been wondering why the boats are on so many different tracks.
The weather continues bright where we are, but we have noticed that the barometer has been falling…