Thursday, 3rd March, 2016

Luna Quest
W. Eric Faber
Thu 3 Mar 2016 15:20
Daily run: 151 logged miles
The Guyana ocean current is helping Luna Quest achieve good speeds towards Grenada. With the wind from the East, the genoa poled out to starboard, one reef in the mainsail and the staysail set to leeward, Luna Quest is regularly achieving speeds of over 8 knots in a moderate breeze. The Sargasso weed, that has been in evidence for the last four days, is thinning out. At no point was there any threat of the weed getting stuck underneath Luna Quest, as the keel and the rudder skeg will have dealt with it before it might compromise the spade rudder blade of the Hydrovane. We passed Dutch Guyana over night (Surinam) and are now in British Guyana’s territorial waters.
As we are so far ahead of the World Arc fleet, that are setting off today from Fortaleza in Brazil, we are out of radio range on the designated frequency of 6B (6227), which happens to be the same frequency that the Ocean Cruising Club use in the Caribbean. This morning we were able to communicate with the OCC and it was great to hear familiar voices.