Better weather

Luna Quest
W. Eric Faber
Tue 28 Jan 2014 12:58
Daily run: 116
The winds have eased a little and my progress is less robust now that I am only carrying one foresail. The frequency of squalls seems to have eased as well, but I am taking no chances for these squalls can be vicious and I won't have enough time to take in sail. I rigged up an electrical supply to a point where I can use my mini iPad as a chart plotter out in the cockpit. It was a major acrobatic performance as the ship was rolling irregularly in the 20kn winds, making everything slide, toolbox, tools and spare parts, a job that would take around 15 minutes in the work shop, but that took me the better part of the afternoon.
I have now covered 2/3rds of the voyage and expect to make landfall early next week.