Tuesday 13th July (Lini’s Journal)

Brindabella's Web Diary
Simon Williams
Sun 25 Jul 2010 23:31
Noon position 40° 03’.28 N 26° 15’.26 W
No surprises we both slept badly. Si looked very poorly and is
hobbling around like an old man with back pain; the glands in my neck
feel like golf balls: I want to go back to Terceira. Si put on the
brave man act saying he was fine but just listening to his cough I
knew he wasn’t. I too am putting on a brave face knowing if I tell
Simon I have toothache he will be cross that I didn’t see a dentist in
the Azores. I lost the corner of one tooth on São Jorge but minimal
pain soon settled, so I didn’t tell Simon or ask to see a dentist.
Today a lump of filling fell out of another tooth. Good grief! What is
happening to us? We are a couple of old crocks and have never had so
many health problems. So, this leg which was always likely to be the
most eventful now looks like it could be even more of a challenge.
The winds were strong so at least we were blasting back to old
Blighty at a good speed while one or other of us tried to catch up on
sleep all through the day.
Why is there never a moon at the beginning of our long passages? It
was pitch black again through our night watches but I was thankful for
steady winds and not too bumpy a ride.