Monday 7th June - Day 1 At Sea (Lini’s Journal)

Brindabella's Web Diary
Simon Williams
Wed 23 Jun 2010 16:23
an extortionate $2000 yacht club bill for my wonderful stay here and
then the marina manager had taken his boat out to release our lines
from the buoys. The wind had now really picked up and things were
rather choppy at the fuel dock. Si expertly sprung us off though, we
passed out of the narrow channel by my dream house then we took in our
last views of the sound: I shall miss the ‘Onion Patch’ (Bermuda) and
all its smiling ‘Onions’ (Bermudians).
Rounding the reefs to check out of customs in St. George was not a
good time for us to lose our GPS fix. Thank goodness it seemed just a
temporary glitch however and our position was soon back on the
chartplotter. Si was still undecided whether we should actually leave
today; there was a small craft strong wind warning out, but we’d had
a cracking sail round from Hamilton with sturdy Brindabella needing a
few more knots of wind than the lightweight girls to get her going. A
decision was made: At 1520 we were off and a ribbon of pale blue sea
expanded into a dark expanse as we set our course for the Azores.
I took the easy option for our first supper, heating curry I’d made
last week and frozen then Si had vacuum packed when he returned from
the UK with the new galley toy. We made good progress in F5-6 SSW
winds through the night and uncharacteristically I got a little sleep
through our first night into our watch system.