Friday 26th February (Lini’s Journal)

Brindabella's Web Diary
Simon Williams
Mon 8 Mar 2010 13:44
were several jobs to be completed. Early morning the wind had eased
which was ideal for fitting the new sail battens. It was rather
difficult to remove the remaining chards left in the pockets from the
old shattered battens, but after a bit of filing down the new ones
fitted fine. I mixed some bread and put it to prove, topped up the
water tanks and filled every container available, then we dragged the
dinghy onto the dock and cleaned off the rapidly growing barnacles.
After so long at anchor it was pretty awful for Si to have to pay for
two weeks in the marina, but tonight we’ll be back to anchoring again.
I have been here too long now, have port rot, and can’t wait to move
on. It was such a shame Gayle and Kirt had gone into town and we were
unable to say proper farewells. They have been wonderful neighbours
and dear new friends; I left a note on Illusion before we slipped our
lines and began retracing our steps.
It was such a short sail to Prickly Bay we barely had time to eat
our lentil and vegetable soup before we dropped the hook in the
anchorage. Si had a huge list for the chandlery so we shot straight
off for more boat bits. It was then a dash across the bay to try and
catch Siun, Graham and Ben on Liberty before they flew home to Ireland
for a couple of weeks. Depending on their plans it could be the last
time we’d see them if they decided to turn left and sail onto
Australia. Luckily we caught them in the bar finishing lunch and we
were able to spend a short time with our dear friends before their
Back on Brindabella, in true Aussie style, Simon was eager to try
out the Magma BBQ he’d bought an age ago and transported in his
holdall from England last week. I rummaged through our supplies and
rustled up vegetable kebabs, stuffed peppers and skewered tinned
chicken marinated in spicy passion fruit sauce. The gas BBQ was so
quick compared to the Cobb we cracked open a nice bottle of Penfolds
389 to celebrate our new addition to Brindabella. Together with a
pretty sunset and great music the evening was perfect.