Sunday 25th April (Lini’s Journal)

Brindabella's Web Diary
Simon Williams
Mon 3 May 2010 13:15
us. Unfortunately before we got out for our postponed snorkel, Simon
started another book in the series that had him gripped all day
yesterday. First we were going at 10am, then after an early lunch; by
the middle of the afternoon I was wishing I’d attempted a major
painting session but it is so lovely to see Si unwinding I never mind.
By the time he had finished his book late in the afternoon the boat
stores were all listed and sorted with ‘soon to expire’ food pulled
out and fat contents noted. Wow! I’ve never been so organised in my
life! I also did a little gardening!
In many families there comes a time when the offspring grow larger
than the parents. And so it is with Basil Jnr. He has grown into a
strong healthy specimen, which is what I wished for his siblings as I
planted them firmly by Basil Jnr and fed and watered them. I fear I
have left them sitting in water a little too long however as they’re
looking a tad jaundice. I shall be most upset if my herbs are
confiscated by customs at any point.
The cool, blowy weather continued today only calming in the evening
in time for Simon to barbecue dinner. Perhaps it will be fine for
snorkelling tomorrow.