Monday 12th October (Lini’s Journal)

With calmer seas came calm winds and Simon emerged looking human today. J Cab d’Or were now so far ahead of us we lost contact during our morning chat. Hopefully they will be able to give us information on how the anchorages are looking a little later. I quickly toasted some of my fruit bread for breakfast then it was out with the Parasailor which our Swiss friend has called Ferrari. With Christopher’s approval this name may stick unless our car enthusiast decides on a better name for a speed machine. However, with rolly seas and minimal wind directly from our stern the Ferrari behaved more like Ami’s old Fiesta. It was a frustrating day with slow progress. Yesterday we looked forward to arriving for dinner: Today we watched the ‘Time to go to waypoint’ hardly dropping. The huge sail eventually settled and filled though as we continue to learn how best to fly it: Its still early days.
At 6.30pm Si reported land ahoy, a most welcome report. The high hills were now clearly visible. We dropped the Parasailor at our waypoint off the lighthouse and motored into the harbour following instructions kindly radioed to us by Cab d’Or who were safely moored and no doubt sleeping by now. Although well after midnight when I picked a mooring buoy it was very warm and it really feels we have travelled a fair distance now. Si tied us secure and after a quick tidy up we fell into a cosy bed.