Tuesday 15th December (Lini’s Journal)

Brindabella's Web Diary
Simon Williams
Fri 18 Dec 2009 03:12


   Needless to say a short nap was necessary to face the rest of the day and once back in the land of the living we hit the shops. The shortest route to the mini mall in Rodney Bay was by dinghy round the lagoon; infinitely more enjoyable than sitting in traffic. We browsed the limited shops for presents for Si to take home for family then hit the supermarket. With Christmas fast approaching I was delighted to find a good range of food and also at reasonable prices, contrary to reports. We scanned the meat for Christmas dinner options wondering what a traditional St. Lucian Christmas dinner would be.

   Tonight a private cocktail ARC party was being hosted by the marina manager. It was a bad move on my part to arrive thirsty and hungry. A steel band played in the bar and on the back of a catamaran a live band were setting up. The atmosphere was very jolly. A range of complementary bars offered any drink one desired, rum punch being favoured by most. As more friends gathered, more drinks were ordered and no-one really noticed how horribly squiffy many of us were becoming. When Simon realised I was incapable of answering his questions and had problems standing up he decided that it was probably time we headed back. He nursed me through the night. Never again!.........................