Wednesday 16th December (Lini’s Journal)

Simon went to the lecture this morning on cruising the Caribbean on his own! Lini was feeling a tad poorly and slept for most of the morning only comforted by news that she was far from the only person suffering in the marina. By lunch time I decided a bacon sandwich would be kill or cure and thoroughly cured I left Simon to zip off in the dinghy for fuel and went to the demonstration on Caribbean cookery by a chef from a local restaurant. Assisted by his very young daughter the Swedish chef cooked three dishes which were absolutely delicious. As luck would have it Ron beckoned me to the edge of the stage and offered us half of his Dorado that I had filleted for him yesterday. Perfect: I had everything I needed to try out one of the recipes for dinner.
Back in the galley I skinned, floured and egg washed the fish and in the absence of cornflakes and dried plantain chips dunked them in crushed fitness flakes. The tomato colada sauce was made with garlic, onions, tomatoes, coconut cream, ginger, lime and hot sauce. Served on wild rice it was very scrummy. We ate in the cockpit while the steel pan play off was taking part in torrential rain 50metres away. Not exactly relaxing eating music but as the rain eased people turned out of their boats to join in the fun as the four bands alternated all evening. It was difficult to sleep through the DJ that followed and I was glad that Simon had asked if we could be moved to another berth away from the continual noise.