Thursday 28th January (Lini’s Journal)
Brindabella's Web Diary
Simon Williams
Fri 12 Feb 2010 15:24
I didn’t have a good night. As well as the boat rolling wildly in Mustique’s well known swell, I had been awake most of the night in quite nasty discomfort. Gremlins inside of me were wringing my innards and kicking my kidneys. This pain gradually worked its way under my ribs and into my abdomen staying there all day. Poor Simon had a day reading, playing on the laptop and nursing me instead of our planned exploration of the northern part of the island, while I rolled around on the bed. By late afternoon I was getting somewhat worried and had visions of the one and only doctor on the island having to whip my appendix out on his cleared consulting desk. Not a good day for Simon or myself!