Saturday 31st October (Lini’s Journal)

�� We were up and preparing to leave by noon today. Si washed the boat down, I cleaned, baked a cake and cooked jacket potatoes in the microwave. We caught whoever we could on Skype and by eleven decided to stay another day and get some jobs done. Si has so little time to potter with so much passage planning and weather forecasts to find, it was nice to see him cross a few jobs off his list. Simon also likes to shop and joy of joys the marina has a chandlery. He returned with a big smile and a big bag of new toys enjoying his shopping so much he went off again after lunch. This time I had to snigger as following my dismal attempts at fishing on Thursday from this shopping bag he produced the lure of lures with which he will catch numerous suppers. I nearly fell off the chair: Simon has never shown any interest in fishing. Apparently the contest is now on and THE lure dined with us and was frequently jiggled around in front of me. The mini telescopic fishing rod has been retrieved from the deepest depths of a fore locker and I wouldn�t be at all surprised if he is up all night reading the fishing book. Perhaps this may be THE hobby to chill out my dearest. Right now I am just remembering spending an hour untangling my handline after leaving it for a while to make a cup of tea and returning to Simon tied up in knots. Watch this space!.....................
� While Si was shopping I discretely hung laundry in the cockpit (�Strictly no laundry to be hung from boats�!), caught up with emails and spent a considerable amount of time on my journal. Si also tried in vain to get me connected to the internet and reinstall iTunes which stopped working some time ago leaving me in a state of panic. All in all our day disappeared catching up.
�� I had forgotten it was Halloween and even if I had remembered I didn�t think we would have ghouls and freaks paying us a visit on the boat over G&Ts. Eight scary youngsters from an ARC participant along our pontoon demanded treats or the consequences. Bang went half of Si�s chocolate store; I wasn�t taking any chances with tricksters! Later as we finished dinner in the cockpit in the rather chilly evening wind, jiggling children returned with bulging bags of goodies. ��
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