Tuesday 6th July (Lini’s Journal)

Brindabella's Web Diary
Simon Williams
Sun 25 Jul 2010 23:24
quite unwell. Our second beer last night was a Heineken which we have
had problems with before. Two small cans of beer should not cause the
ill effects we suffered and the remainder will be going in the bin.
Simon returned to bed several times through the morning and after a
late start I did a couple of hours of tidying and writing, not feeling
quite up to an exploration of the town just yet. When Find our Danish
neighbour invited us for a glass of wine around 3pm just as Si had
surfaced, I was a little surprised that he so eagerly accepted. He did
however only share our conversation and not the wine, sipping gently
at his water. Find showed us proudly around his boat which his
daughter and Italian husband had built, later selling it to Find and
his wife Dianna. They have been cruising for six years now and have
their friend Bridgeta with them for a few weeks. After lovely boaty
chat we had a stroll round the town then went back to Brindabella to
scrub up for dinner; tonight we were eating out. A brave move by Simon
I thought but he said he was now feeling fine.
The restaurant we had earmarked by the dockside could be seen from
the boat and with a ferry due at any time was now swarming with school
children bearing fizzy drinks and playing excitedly. We wandered up
anyway but deciding it wouldn’t be a very restful experience with
football on a TV, we moved onto a place Si had been to on his last
visit. We chose to sit outside which was probably a little brave in
the chilly breeze but dinner was nice and inside was now taken over by
a group of elderly tourists. As we passed ‘Fai Da Te’ on our return
Find invited us back for a nightcap and we met their other neighbours
from Belgium who had joined them for dinner. How lovely it is to meet
people from so many different places.
A major topic of conversation tonight was the amazing noise that
the Corys Shearwaters make at night which sounds nothing like a bird.
Foxes, cats, bats and musical instruments had all been compared. Our
first night in Flores I thought there was a party on a neighbouring
boat. Most of the time I think their call sounds like a kazoo or
sometimes a brass musical instrument; one thing is for sure, they are
very loud and very active at night as they circle the skies reflecting
light off their white bellies.