Wednesday 31st March (Lini’s Journal)

Brindabella's Web Diary
Simon Williams
Fri 9 Apr 2010 13:28
I had forgotten all about Easter. As we hoisted the sails outside
English Harbour I felt guilty and cross with myself for not being the
organised person of years gone by. Chocolate eggs could have been
ordered via the internet for family, and Brindabella provisioned with
a few extra treats for Simon. I hadn’t thought about the shops being
shut until Tuesday too and did a mental stock take of fresh provisions
onboard realising some careful meal planning was in order. There is
enough non-perishable food onboard to feed an army for a month but we
do like to eat fresh.
The beat round to Nonsuch Bay was quite exhilarating after all the
downwind sailing of late and the entrance through the reefs called for
extra attention as the navigable channel was narrow with the
electronic charts known to be over 30metres out. I watched the reefs
carefully as we motored slowly round to the north of Green Island and
into a perfect anchorage. We dropped the hook behind Festina Lente
with tiny Bird Island behind us, reefs in blue water to port and a
postcard view ahead. A dinky domed headland of purply/ grey rock and
greenery protruded just above pale green water with white sand peeping
round one side and a small beach backed by trees to the other. The
rounded headland in The Saintes was called ‘Pain au Sucre’ so I
immediately named this headland ‘Macaroon’, it being flatter with its
edges lifting off the water like cakes on rice paper. I felt a
painting coming on! Si checked the anchor Caribbean style with snorkel
and we unwound over a late lunch in paradise watching para-gliders and
Sundowners on the beach with Phil and Lynda was an excellent idea
if it hadn’t been for the sand flies. Si shot back to Brindabella for
the jungle formula while we fixed the drinks. It was a rather lovely
sunset that unfortunately dropped behind a pretty shapeless
superyacht. Where are all the classic yachts when you need them? We
sunk with the sun, sprawling on the rug with waves lapping at our toes
and cicadas singing from the island. Nicely chilled we made plans for
a snorkel on the reef then bid goodnight to our friends.