Thursday 29th October (Lini’s Journal)

�� We were up early and on our way to Lanzarote. The wind was kind to us and there was just enough to sail all day. Speed didn�t really matter in that our destination was an easy day sail, it only mattered in that there was more than one boat going in the same direction. Another race was on! With the wind now from behind, today we tried poling out the headsail and goosewinging. (The mainsail on one side and headsail on the other.) Simon was a happy bunny as we most definitely won the race although the yacht that slipped into Puerto Calero probably didn�t even realise it was racing!
�� Lini was not such a happy bunny as my attempts to catch supper failed dismally, even with my fab new sardiney lure. It was a good job we had other things to occupy our minds and all afternoon we could be heard calling out �there goes another one�, �not again� and �they�re coming thick and fast now�. We were sailing past the airport where every two minutes a plane was either landing or taking off. We were amazed. The hotels and apartments along the coast confirmed this was one huge holiday destination with zillions of coaches swarming from resorts to airport. We rounded the rocky headland and all around the marina ahead a sea of white buildings spread back to the hills. Marina Rubicon was not as I�d imagined.
�� After the calm of Graciosa the large marina edged with shopping centre, bowling alleys, bars and restaurants was all too much. Behind, holiday apartments stretched as far as we could see. Braving the crowds we scrubbed up and went out for dinner joining all the other English and Germans in town. I didn�t hear any Spanish spoken all evening. Our meal was nice and service good but the amount of people, the noise and the atmosphere spoilt the occasion. We unwound with green tea back on Brindabella with the town just coming to life.