Tuesday 25th May (Lini’s Journal)

Brindabella's Web Diary
Simon Williams
Thu 27 May 2010 22:09
and I slept through much of the blowy night. Si was frequently up
checking all was well but as the day went on the skies brightened and
the wind slowly eased. We felt for friends sailing from the BVIs to
the Azores who have hit bad weather and have been hove-to for a day.
Others were told to turn back by their weather router as there’s a
weather system causing concern at present. We can hear them on the SSB
much clearer today and it’s good to hear they are OK.
Si planned to be at the chart table again this morning so I decided
to make good use of this time confined inside the boat and do some
sorting I’d planned for when Si was away. I emptied all the stores out
and lifted the floor underneath where we had emergency food and water
stowed. I retrieved the food, left the water, then reshuffled and
listed everything, updating my records from last month’s mega sort
out. I only really need to keep two weeks worth of non-perishables on
board now so we can use some of the stores on the next passage. Simon
and I will have to start eating very different meals if we are to use
some of the meat and sauces before they expire; unfortunately the fat
content of most preserved food is too high for the stones and I: Good
job I enjoy a challenge!
By noon Brindabella’s saloon was straight again and I made wraps
for lunch. They are slowly improving but are still a little chewy on
the edges; at least our jaws got some exercise! The afternoon
disappeared with more notes for sorting photos and very important
skipper type work on Si’s laptop. (I think he actually plays games all