Saturday 13th March (Lini’s Journal)

Brindabella's Web Diary
Simon Williams
Thu 18 Mar 2010 11:49
another island behind us. A large pod of dolphins escorted us on our
way for some time. The winds were variable at first with even a
westerly for a while, but settled into a jolly nice easterly on the
beam for quite some time. Obviously as we approached mountainous
Dominica the winds were sure to become variable again but all in all
it was yet another great day on the water. As Si pretty much sailed
single handed today I had an exhausting time of it all! To ring the
changes today we had an articulated wiggly blue lure on a shorter line
and I attached a lethal shiny new three pronged hook to a pink squidy
lure on a longer line. I should undoubtedly win any prizes going for
determination as yet again I fished unsuccessfully and the only thing
I caught was a little too much sun fishing naked in the empty seas.
The empty lines came in early as fishing is banned in Dominica; at
least I shall have a few days with no teasing!
The mountainous island was so lush and green compared to the
parched islands further south. Boat boy Andrew from ‘Sea Bird’ We
anchored off Portsmouth just in time to open the champagne before
dark. Cheers Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell!