Saturday 17th April (Lini’s Journal)

Brindabella's Web Diary
Simon Williams
Thu 22 Apr 2010 21:28
Strong winds and showers were forecast for today so we decided to stay
put and pay a visit to the flea market at Lagoonies. It was a very
jolly atmosphere as we sat around the central bar sipping espresso
then wandered round the tables of boat bits for sale. While Si chatted
to a guy about wifi antennas I chatted to a French lady who had lost
their boat in heavy weather off South Africa and were now selling
things and saving to buy another yacht: A chilling reminder about the
dangers of being at sea! Si had another ‘chandlery fix’ before we
returned to Brindabella to find we had new neighbours; our Dutch
friends on Waterman. The girls came across in the dinghy and we
invited them all for early drinks at 5pm remembering that last time we
met for the evening the girls had a very late dinner!
Simon took his new toys apart in the afternoon while I cleaned then
made nibbles for this evening. It was great to catch up and while we
chatted to Henri and Akke the girls watched Mamma Mia in the saloon.
They leave very soon for the Azores so if we see them again it will
likely be in Holland.