Monday 24th May (Lini’s Journal)

Brindabella's Web Diary
Simon Williams
Thu 27 May 2010 22:06
Bermuda Day.
Today is a bank holiday for Bermuda Day, the equivalent of their
independence day. On Brindabella we prepared for the gale, letting
out more scope on the anchors and battening down the hatches when the
rain arrived. Si spent the day sorting photographs; I went through
nine months of blog listing where we were each day so we can label the
photos at some point. (I can’t actually see it happening somehow!)
Every now and then I just had to read through a whole day and the
memories came flooding back. We have crammed so much into our
adventure with so much to look back on.
We ate winter comfort food, lentil soup for lunch and cottage pie
for dinner and then snuggled down for a film. I didn’t really know
what to expect through the night as I can’t ever remember being at
anchor in a gale. Before bed I stowed everything for sea; got coats,
gloves and lifejackets out and snuggled into our nest with the wind
now a F6.