Friday 5th March (Lini’s Journal)

Brindabella's Web Diary
Simon Williams
Mon 8 Mar 2010 13:52
Brindabella Crosses the Line – Again! Or, Return to St. Lucia.
We eat dinner by lamplight every evening but somehow breakfast at
5.30am by lamplight seemed odd as always. It was a long passage today,
about sixty miles, from Bequia back to Rodney Bay- St. Lucia, the
finish line for the ARC all those months ago. Luckily with good winds
about sixty degrees off to starboard, not too big seas and great
speeds we were there before sunset.
Twelve hours at sea with Simon basically sailing single handed and
me only really attending to a couple of lines over the stern gives a
girl plenty of time to contemplate and get in tune with herself. At
present I feel unbalanced; physically I can feel my muscles atrophying
through lack of use, my joints are stiff, my diet lacks protein and
of course is fat free eliminating the usual calcium enriched soya milk
and seeds I’m used to, so beneficial for us ‘more mature ladies’! My
mind however feels like it could explode as I try to observe
everything in a new light from both an artist point of view and
spiritual. As well as the odd art attack I have been reading and
listening to inspirational books which stress the importance of living
in the now – making every minute count- taking total responsibility
for ones life and happiness- letting go of everything that isn’t now.
It is so true that we can’t change events but we can choose how we
react to them. I always try to think positively but obviously there is
much room for improvement. For now however………
Reel: Line: Lure: Bait: FISH Zero: Nada: Rien::…………………………………
Notice how they are all four letter words?!!!!!!!!
We had chicken for dinner! Barbecued with couscous stuffed peppers
by a naked skipper (except for a head torch!): Thank goodness it was
dark! A feast for my eyes and belly, but oh how full I felt after
living on mostly vegetables these days. We were very tired tonight
after our long day at sea and retired with our books even earlier than
our usual norm of around 9pm. I finished another thought provoking