Friday 12th February (Lini’s Journal)

Fury at the chart table started our day when ash from an eruption on Montserrat had caused all flights in the area to be cancelled. Si was understandably distraught. Most of the morning was spent trying to rebook as he grieved over his lost time with CJ. Eventually the go ahead was given to allow him to fly the same alternative route as I had taken via Miami. He now leaves in the morning. The only good news was he could now have fish and chips in the marina bar tonight. He went to book while changing his taxi booking.
It was a strange day. Si was not a happy bunny as he pottered with boat jobs. I steered clear and saw no point in starting my boat spring clean until tomorrow when I’d have more space to make a mess. My only priority was to get an email to my GP asap asking for advice.
Later there was no expected waft of supper from the bar to remind us it was beer o’clock so we were a little late when we joined our neighbours Cedric and Jan with their friends Bob and Marian in the bar. At least Si had freshly fried chips which was torture for me to watch and smell with my tummy rumbling. The opening of the winter Olympics was broadcast as we chatted to our lovely neighbours and by the end of the evening our table was a disgrace with empty bottles and glasses piled high.