Wednesday 23rd September (Lini’s Journal)

It was quite an eventful night. Si was unable to sleep as the wash from the ria was slapping loudly into the stern: He attempted to sleep in the saloon. I wasn’t doing too badly until our invisible mosquito returned, feeding on any body parts that protruded from the duvet. My face, arms and legs now look quite disgusting as I’ve been scratching the bites in the night. With the light on I sat with bug killer in hand searching for the enemy who had gone into hiding. I gave up around 5am, inserted ear plugs and eventually drifted off. Simon setting up breakfast on deck woke me late in the morning.
Sleepy Bayona slowly came to life as did we on Brindabella. Si checked us in at the marina, collected his glasses sent out to the club from England, and then fixed the Hydrovane. I read more Spanish books and cleaned. It’s quite amazing how grubby poor Brindabella gets. By the time we had finished our chores and walked into town everywhere had closed for lunch, so we found a nice little jamoneria and enjoyed some very delicious but very expensive local cured hams and cheeses. Back on Brindabella Si had a shoulder massage to sooth his headache then managed to sleep for quite some time. I opened the first book this trip and commenced the journal of a circumnavigation written by a lovely lady we had met at the ARC seminar back in March. I read in horror of the two tropical revolving storms that they sailed round on their first transatlantic crossing and made a mental note to practice storm tactics on our next sail.
Bayona now awake again, we hunted for a Suzuki mechanic in the new marina. No joy there. I suggested an internet search as we now have the code for free internet ‘wiffy’ from the club office. (I did chuckle) We were more successful in finding the post office (closed until the morning though) and the supermarket. We also had no joy cutting Simon’s hair on our return as I managed to flick the end off the clippers and watch it sink to the bottom of the sea. Let’s hope tomorrow is a little more successful.