Wednesday 7th July (Lini’s Journal)

Brindabella's Web Diary
Simon Williams
Sun 25 Jul 2010 23:24
boats moved on. There had been several hairy arrivals over the past
couple of days making us glad that Brindabella is still in one piece.
José the marina manager said they need a priest with so many crazy
sailors arriving: He really is very funny. At least everyone has
jumped up to help when boats arrive saving a great deal of damage from
one boat in particular that crunched into several boats before a crash
landing into the wrong berth. The police obviously have little to do
and pounce on new arrivals before they have tied their lines; it’s all
rather amusing.
We had booked a car today and set off to explore São Jorge. It was
not a wise comment on my part that we were lucky to have such clear
skies and assured views from the hills. After only a couple of
miradouros the cloud lowered and once again we drove along mountain
roads unaware of what sat beneath us. Occasionally there was a break
in the cloud where we caught breathtaking glimpses but it was only
when we descended through the cloud that we were able to appreciate
just how simply stunning the island is. I have never seen so many
hydrangeas in fields and along roads; the vegetation was so vibrantly
healthy, as too were the animals that grazed in the endless fields.
Stripy patchwork areas of a hundred crops fell down rolling hills. The
roads were practically deserted which was just as well on some that
led down into the Fajãs. These low flat areas beside the sea with
their rich, red, fertile soil were put to good use, all divided by low
black stone walls into tiny areas to keep the crops protected and
warm. Many of the houses had no access by car as the roads stopped
short of the buildings diminishing into mud tracks. Indeed many of the
roads we travelled through were just red dirt tracks, some just wide
enough for the car. I prayed the brakes were sound, the engine man
enough and the clutch held out on many a road, one in particular at
20% decline that led straight to a slipway and wild, crashing wave. We
had two attempts at a tour of the cheese factory, at least managing to
buy some for Si’s lunch, but were unsuccessful at finding the place
that sold local coffee and hand woven rugs. We did however have a
brilliant day sightseeing and put the car to use on the way back to
stock up on the heavy provisions for our return to England. My Bob, a
bit of a cheese lover, will be delighted to hear I have a fridge
bulging with São Jorge cheese too!
It was now getting late and after a quick curry Si offered his
services to Find who had asked for help with his emailing system.
Unable to offer help I offered wine! While the men got to work at the
computer I talked to Dianna about her family and she painted a
wonderful picture of Christmases dancing round trees and traditional
Danish customs. Around 11pm I left Simon still working away and while
I waited for him to return I once again did a pre-passage provisions
check: If only I crossed things off my list when I used them! It was
1am when Si finally returned with the good news that Find now has
everything working well.