Monday 10th May (Lini’s Journal)

Brindabella's Web Diary
Simon Williams
Sun 16 May 2010 02:33
download weather GRIB files. He reckoned with the numerous times the
satphone cut out, today’s weather must have cost $100 US. He was
understandably not happy. An exchange of thoughts with Phil sounds
like calm winds for a day before the blow. I am nervous with memories
of the thunderstorm sailing over where we were engulfed in lightning.
The E F2/3 winds backed and strengthened to a nice NE F4 by the time
we tucked into pork, new potatoes and broccoli with pepper sauce for
the lucky ones. We’d made slow progress and I was tired this evening
after a strenuous day of typing up a bit of blog for an hour! I was
more than happy to hit the sea berth straight after sunset, leaving Si
to a very enjoyable evening but a not so enjoyable book. ‘Festina’ had
gradually faded into the distance today favouring light winds.
So deep was I in my dreams at 10pm it took some time to accustom
myself to the black and beautiful moonless night. The NE F4 continued
allowing us to keep on a northerly course with the Hydrovane steering
and it was an uneventful watch listening to an audio book.