Saturday 12th December (Lini’s Journal)

I was up early attempting to Skype my children but the marina network was rubbish, only Simon knew the password for the other network and he was still sleeping soundly. We had been promised wifi and I was disappointed to be unable to use it. By the time Si woke up Daniel had left to take Ami for her flight to Australia and no-one else was home: Very frustrating.
I had only briefly walked round the marina complex yesterday so this morning I wandered off for a better look. After buying tickets for a concert Simon fancied tonight, I browsed through airy cotton dresses and bright beady jewellery, freshly baked bread and outside the minimarket bumped into Val and Harry from Irma. They told me of their fast crossing and wonderful meals on board with their Czech hosts while we roasted in the midday sun.
Back on Brindabella I finally managed to connect to a temporary wifi network set up for the ARC and spent the remainder of the day updating the blogs. Fatigue then set in and far from getting ourselves ready for our concert, Simon nodded off in the cockpit. We missed our bus to the village and of course the concert.