Thursday 14th January (Lini’s Journal)

Mid-morning we moved Brindabella back into the marina for a couple of nights. There was a heap of laundry to do, we needed the internet, water, calmer water for jobs onboard and hopefully collection of the autohelm. Raymarine had agreed to give us a replacement as the new bearing hadn’t solved the problem but it meant hanging on for its arrival. We sprung into action as soon as we had tied up and by the end of the day we’d completed an array of tasks. High above my head but now just above Si’s, the extended wind generator rotated hopefully now quieter too. It resonated terribly through into our aft cabin at night at times. Simon’s hair had been trimmed on the dock, sheets and clothes wafted from the boat and the water tanks were full.
We met up with Suin, Ben and Graham for drinks in the Bosun’s Bar in the evening. I didn’t think it would be here I’d see them again: It felt strange to be back. How great to catch up again though and hear the good news that their engine and gear box are now mended. It was late when we got back to Brindabella so we grabbed a quick peanut butter roll and went to bed.