Tuesday 11th May (Lini’s Journal)

Brindabella's Web Diary
Simon Williams
Sun 16 May 2010 02:38
was cold! I crept about while Si slept, trying to find deeply buried
fleeces and grown up trousers. The wind had now backed further to a
NNE F4 forcing us to the west of our track and our boat speed was
abysmal, but I couldn’t figure out why. I shone torches and trimmed
sails but still we were only moving at half what we’d expect in
16knots of wind. It was only when Si woke at 7am and noticed the wheel
had slipped that we trotted along again. I knew the main steering had
to be locked when using the Hydrovane but didn’t know at such a
specific angle. The main rudder had in effect been acting as a brake!
Doh!! I so wish I knew how to work all this new equipment onboard.
Another lesson learned however.
Si had another infuriating session with the satphone downloading
weather, with it cutting out frequently just before the end of the
download. Eventually he got the pictures and the blow should hit us
later today. He also exchanged position updates with ‘Festina Lente’
by email as they seem to have transmission problems on the VHF today
and we can’t hear them. Their email said they can hear us clearly so
Si took a chance and sent a blind VHF message too. I made Si fruit
then pancakes before another doze.
Si was busy while lazybones dozed and when I surfaced he had
connected the inner forestay in case we need storm sails later and
tied in the third reef line on the mainsail. I felt so much happier
knowing we can reduce sail quickly if need be, but wish I had
practical experience.
We needed to make some water so with the dying wind it was a good
opportunity to motorsail while charging the batteries up and chilling
the freezer a little. I fear for the life of the veggies within after
finding half the new potatoes rotten last night. After tomato, basil
and couscous salad the wind had picked up and veered and we were able
to sail a good course while Si banked some zeds. I foresee a sleepless
night for him after seeing the weather GRIB files. As we came nearer
to our track ‘Trollwind’ a Norwegian fellow ARC boat came back into
sight. They and ‘Bonnie of Stockholm’ are heading north too. There was
still no sign of ‘Festina Lente’ however.
During the afternoon unnecessary items were cleared away, we took
showers, I gathered wet weather gear and also packed a pillow in a
large wetpack in case things got so rough Si would have to just doze
in the cockpit. The wind and seas built quickly after supper and we
dropped a second reef in the mainsail just after I settled down at
7pm. You couldn’t sleep beating at 40° to the whistling wind with
waves crashing into the hull beside your ear. My first watch however
was more pleasant than I’d expected with ENE F5 winds, although I
really hate foul weather on moonless nights in fear emergency repairs
might be needed in total darkness and head torches never shine where
you want them to. Luckily we still had no rain and I listened to my
audio book until 1am to distract my overactive imagination.