Tuesday 15th June - Day 9 At Sea (Lini's Journal)

Brindabella's Web Diary
Simon Williams
Wed 23 Jun 2010 16:53
through the night, so progress was slow. To entertain myself on
watches tonight I decided to listen to some of the hardly ever, or
even never, played music on my iPod and what delights it had in store:
Only rule – if it’s well know, skip it. I confess to playing through
some forgotten tracks that felt like meeting old friends in the
street. Toes tapped through two remarkably quick night watches.
Hoorah! Dawn brought a steady gentle breeze on the starboard
quarter and I could almost see Si’s lovely smile as in lead boots he
tap danced above me in my bunk as he hoisted the mainsail. On early
morning watch I plodded along at just under 4knots and up above the
innocent looking skies gave few indications of the approaching low.
What a fantastic day’s sailing that turned out to be: With a F4 on the
beam we sped east.
The queue for a roller coaster, the interview waiting room, the
ascent for a bungee jump, the wait for bad weather at sea: I went to
bed with the feelings you get when you chose to put yourself in a
situation you know will be challenging but will deliver that all
essential buzz, exhilaration, sense of achievement and improved
knowledge. At sea and I suppose in life in general we have no choice
but to accept what is given, take the rough with the smooth, the good
with the bad; get the whole picture. If there is no contrast in life,
nothing to suffer or endure, how can the good times be put into
perspective and feel so good? How are we to learn from our experiences
and expand our souls? Bad weather was due at midnight……………………