Sunday 16th May (Lini’s Journal)

Brindabella's Web Diary
Simon Williams
Fri 21 May 2010 23:45
whole night’s sleep felt gooood. We had a leisurely cooked breakfast
then spent the rest of the day like Troglodytes, below in the warm,
writing, reading and more importantly skyping family and checking
emails. I managed to catch two out of three babies but have yet to
chat to Bob about his Japanese holiday. There is a cold front moving
through at present so I’m hoping things will warm up at least a little
once it passes. Temperatures in the Caribbean haven’t ever been much
below 30°C so it’s going to take a while to adjust.
Late afternoon the wind eased, the sun shone intermittently through
lighter cloud and the Trogs surfaced. I write on deck listening to
‘Amazing Grace’ echoing from the church through the calm atmosphere. I
can’t wait to explore tomorrow.
Lights from the town cast long, gorgeously golden reflection on
the now flat water as we ate supper and I went to bed with great
optimism for a long spell of fine weather. Si dug deep into the
history of Bermuda on the internet while final tales of the chocolate
shop kept me from my dreams until 2am.