Sunday 6th September (Lini’s Journal)

Yeehah! The forecast was good for us to move on. Very conveniently slack water around the race off Portland Bill allowed us a very leisurely start. Having to lose a couple of hours retracing our path back to the east to round the Shambles shallows was rather frustrating, but with perfect winds who cared. We had an amazing day’s sail with winds around 20kts apparent and seas surprisingly flat considering the winds of the week. At 1.30pm while blasting along at 9kts wondering how much faster we could go with the big genoa, I served chicken, stuffing, garlic and rosemary sautéed potatoes, broccoli, carrots and gravy. There was no room for pie.
I had forgotten how beautiful the approach to Dartmouth was with rolling green hills meeting the cliffs and jagged rocks. The candy coloured cottages lining the hills around the estuary never seize to delight me. We tied Brindabella up in Darthaven as the bells from the church tolled 7pm. I poured the G&Ts asking Si would he like the seat with this fab view or that fab view. How beautiful it is. We toasted a great day’s sailing.
Si was starving again by now so we changed out of our salty clothes and grabbing the camera went for a wander. It was now 8.30pm and twinkling lights lit the hillsides. The Royal Dartmouth Yacht Club was unfortunately closed as the location was perfect with stunning views across the water. We jumped on the ferry and wandered around through the town stopping in a cosy wine bar. We guzzled a nice bottle of Aussie red with our supper and took silly photos on our way back to the ferry. Heavy rain pounded on the coach roof through the night. We snuggled deeper into our cosy nest and went back to sleep. ---Lini---