Tuesday 22nd December (Lini’s Journal)

Brindabella's Web Diary
Simon Williams
Sun 27 Dec 2009 14:38


   It was an early start again finishing the cleaning. A check online confirmed Si’s flight was on time and with customs and transfers I expected the boys around 8pm. Suin and I were supposed to be food shopping today but today’s hold up was her mechanic. It was lucky Si called as soon as they were in the taxi around 4pm as at the eleventh hour I was just getting ready to head off to the supermarket in the dinghy. I abandoned my trip and rushed to the marina bakery. At least I could offer a festive slice of toast on their arrival!

  CJ had grown a foot since August and came bounding out of the cab giving me huge hugs. It was so lovely to see him after such a long time. Brindabella then disappeared under bags, clothes, Christmas parcels and boys. CJ and Ben had been emailing each other for a couple of weeks now and when they met it seemed like old friends reuniting. They wasted no time scooting off to do boy’s stuff.

  Tonight ‘Carols Afloat’ had been organised in the bay. There was to be a procession of boats with lights and carols if possible setting off round the bay then circling the marina. We shot down to the end of the main pontoon and watched a fair turn out motor past with festive music, twinkling lights and enthusiastic crews of Santas singing. The jet lagged boys then flagged fast and after a quick dinner we all needed an early night.