Monday 15th March (Lini’s Journal)

Brindabella's Web Diary
Simon Williams
Thu 18 Mar 2010 11:51
the weather after too much rum last night. He had no other takers for
our outing this morning so the three of us shot off across the bay for
a trip up the Indian River. Construction is underway for a fishing
port which I’m sure the fishing vessels anchored off will be very glad
of. It can’t be easy unloading their catch of the day at present.
Along the shore were several wrecked ships, a sad reminder of
Hurricane David in 1979. One lay across the mouth of the river and we
were unsure whether by chance it had blown aground forming a perfect
breakwater or if it had been moved. Either way although an eyesore it
provided protection from the westerly swell.
Just the other side of the bridge into the river Andrew killed the
engine, dug out the oars and in total tranquillity we edged our way
along through the jungle. Early morning dappled sunlight broke through
the palms and mangroves with bright reflections on the smooth river.
Trunks from bloodwood trees twisted themselves into works of art,
fanning out near the base then rippling and contorting into
intricately designed homes for crabs. Yellow claws retreated into the
darkness as we passed. We took numerous photos but couldn’t capture
the charming birdsong, tree frogs and oars swooshing through water.
Green backed and other herons, moorhens, a hawk and egrets posed for
photos: The hummingbirds today were too quick for me to catch and we
could only hear the song of the kingfishers. I kept expecting a boa
constrictor to drop from overhanging branches (A possibility) and
alligators to slip from the shore in pursuit (Not here Sheila). Andrew
pointed out wildlife along the way and showed us the two places where
the witch’s house was built for filming the second ‘Pirates of the
Caribbean’. He’d had a busy seven months back then running film crews
As the water became shallow we moored on a wooden dock beside a
wonderful bar area with open platforms to sleep on after one too many
rums. I couldn’t imagine finding this place at night. Under a high
bamboo covered area we sat at hand painted tables made from cable
drums on rustic chairs chiselled from tree trunks. Bamboo vases of
variegated foliage sat on each table under coconut feeders attracting
tiny birds. The hundreds of mosquitoes buzzing around made me grateful
I’d remembered the ‘Jungle Formula’ early this morning. While Andrew
nursed his hangover and the barman made us fresh grapefruit juice,
Simon and I photographed plants and lizards around the gardens. At
Caribbean pace the hard dirt ground was raked and swept by the
Totally refreshed we slipped ‘Sea Bird’s’ lines and Andrew shuffled
her round in the narrow river which now looked milky when the bright
sun broke through the trees: It was getting hot. It took eagle eyed
Andrew quite some time to point out the iguana lying along a branch
high in a mangrove tree. He explained he was good at spotting them as
he used to hunt them when he was a boy; they taste like chicken!!! As
we left tranquillity behind pandemonium greeted us at the bridge
making us so glad of an early start. Huge crowds from a cruise ship
were noisily squashed into boat after boats and the noisy procession
up the river was sure to scare away all wildlife.
Our perfect start to the day didn’t continue so as first Simon’s
month long internet deal wasn’t delivering then my laptop froze when I
tried to edit photos again. It was all rather stressful. I resorted to
a spot of laundry and tidying until Si managed to sort things out and
the corners of his mouth curved upwards again. A chat to CJ on Skype
was sure to make things even better but unfortunately Si called when
the young man was chatting to Tom and Lizzy: Parents can be so
embarrassing at times! Oh my, how quickly he is growing up. We called
back later and he not only sounds but looks a year older than
Christmas. What a delight Skype is.
I marinated Dorado kebabs in lime zest and juice with baked potatoes
for the barbecue tonight. It is so much cooler in the galley to cook
outside. While Simon cooked I made salad then we chilled in the cool
of the evening.