Saturday 14th November (Brindabella)

�� Oh! If you could see me now! I am having a wonderful time here on �R� pontoon and have a lovely bunch of girls all around me. Things are a tad cramped but we all get on so well and the atmosphere is great. Everyone bends over backwards to help if one of us girls has a problem and we�ve all been treated to so many new toys. Excitement is building as rumours are going round about an opening ceremony followed by a huge dinghy race in the marina tomorrow with all the locals turning out as well. We have been asked to all look our best and boy we do. I�m hoping for another bath if time permits but with great excitement I was dressed last night. I look fabulous and so do all the other girls. Our pontoon is a sea of code flags. Lights have also been set up around the marina with long flags flying from street lights and there are whispers of a party next week on �R�. It�s all very exciting!