Tuesday 1st June (Lini’s Journal)

Brindabella's Web Diary
Simon Williams
Sat 5 Jun 2010 10:48
As soon as the tide had lifted Brindabella high enough for me to
get off, I was away: Lini was going on an adventure. The sun was
shining and more calls of good morning and expressions of love for my
bike lifted my spirits even more. I headed off for the old railway
line, now used for walking and cycling, and it wasn’t long before I
realised why it was nicknamed Rattle and Shake! Under my wheels the
ground changed by the second from tarmac to gravel to boulders to
sand; one minute level, the next so steep, steps had been made from
railway sleepers. The line cut through rock, tunnels of green trees
and ran alongside some beautiful properties. Every couple of hundred
metres I had to jump off and lift the bike over a small barrier that
prevented motorcycles from entering and I was beginning to wish I
hadn’t packed two cameras, water, an apple, a banana, bikini, towel
and handbag not to mention a long wire and heavy duty bike lock. I
wasn’t expecting to get an upper body workout as well! I was having
such a jolly time I continued further than planned and left the track
at Riddle’s Bay. I puffed up the hill between the massive Fairmont
Southampton Hotel and Gibbs’ Hill Lighthouse which was built in 1846
out of cast iron. I was tempted to climb the 185 steps for views of
the whole island but wondered if I would be able to cycle back
afterwards! The road cut across the narrow width of Bermuda to the
south shore where splendid beaches enticed me for a swim.
Chaplin Bay had been recommended and as I dragged my bike through
sand down a steep narrow path I hoped my efforts would be rewarded. Oh
boy, were they? I padlocked the bike to a tree by a large sand dune
and walked down to a spectacular tiny beach with multi- layered rocks
jutting diagonally from pink sand into pale inviting water. They were
screaming, “Photograph me”, so I did; lots! It may have been three or
even four toes I dipped into the sea before shuddering and deciding
not to swim after all: The water was FREEEEEEZZZING! I threw my towel
onto the soft sand and sprawled in the sunshine resting my weary body.
Thankfully the track behind the bay to the east wasn’t nearly so
demanding and it took me onto the main coast road. I pulled into all
of the lay-bys to take in the stunning coast before it turned inland
and eventually my little legs got me home. Wow! How fab was that?
Simon had called me several times today but I was having a spot of
bother with my mobile. (Operator malfunction!) As my legs recovered
with a pot of tea and internet, we chatted on Skype. I also managed
to chat to Ami and could see she’s as fabulous as ever with a pretty
new hair do I wonder what the chances are of speaking to Bob as well
this week……….
I had crossed very few jobs off my mega list so far, so knuckled
down determined to get a line through several before bed. Meal
planning and calculating quantities for three weeks at sea took me a
fair time and I wasn’t feeling quite so guilty about my bike ride when
I finally went to bed with a few more jobs out the way.