Tuesday 20th April (Lini’s Journal)

Brindabella's Web Diary
Simon Williams
Fri 23 Apr 2010 12:57
sunny with minimal wind; just what we wanted yesterday! We had a
morning dip, me rather cautious of the large remora that has attached
itself to the bottom of the boat. Several large starfish sat on the
bed beneath the boat so clear from the surface with their pretty
markings on their shells. Si returned to the boat rather swiftly
saying something big was following him! I was out of the water like
lightening. We motored back to Road Bay to check out with customs and
stopped for lunch in Roy’s Bayside Grill. We took a table beside the
beach watching the lovely blue waves breaking gently on the pink
tinged sand with Brindabella out in the bay. Roy told us about another
eruption on Montserrat and how the flight cancellations from Europe
after the volcano eruption in Iceland have caused such a drop in
business from charter boats. My thoughts were even more with Bob and
Roz who we’ve been thinking of constantly after their flight was
cancelled to Japan last Thursday. We still don’t know if they have got
off. Roy also told us that the headland at Crocus Bay is a breading
ground for sharks and with goosy flesh I wondered if those were really
barracuda we saw yesterday!? We had a very leisurely lunch and after
coffee I was able to send a couple of quick emails with Roy’s wifi
before my battery died.
Back on the boat we cooled off with a swim but my eyes only shifted
from the remora to check nothing bigger was behind me: Not conducive
to good swimming technique! With minimal wind we prepared Brindabella
for an early start and finished the lentil and veggie soup for supper
that I’d made in cooler conditions beating into wind yesterday. Sleep
was impossible with the heat and humidity and we ended up dosing for a
few hours in the saloon under the cabin fans before the alarm went off
at 2.30am.