Friday 13th November (Lini’s Journal)

Brindabella's Web Diary
Simon Williams
Sat 14 Nov 2009 11:12

�� I was a VERY good girl this morning and not only did my daily Tai Chi and abs but a host of other exercises as well. I must add that this is now a necessity as we are eating and drinking so much I have very few clothes that go round me. Si loaded his sextant into the bike bag setting off for a lecture on setting up and practical tips on using a sextant; I trashed the boat! Well, that is I emptied all the cupboards, updated my spreadsheets, filled spice pots and containers from the big food store and made notes on gaps that had appeared. Unfortunately there weren�t as many tips on sextants as I needed and hearing Si chatting to Aussie John on the pontoon I dashed up and begged him to keep Si talking while I cleared a way through to his chart table seat. He�d be happy there for another few hours!

�� I haven�t really cooked anything nice for Si for a while so amongst the chaos I made mushrooms in Madeira and cream for lunch. This afternoon we set off on bikes in different directions. Si and many others have been unable to get our gas bottles filled and rumour was going round that a garage the other side of town may fill ours. Si set off to check it out. I hit the other supermarket having a rather frustrating time when I couldn�t get my bike lock to work and had to fold it up and put it in the trolley. Si had a light stolen last night so I wasn�t taking any chances. I loaded what I thought I could carry around the bike realising I was slightly optimistic when it came to packing. This and having my discount voucher taken which I thought I could reuse left me wobbly in head and body as I carefully cycled back.

�� Si returned with a half filled bottle, not from the garage but a guy round the other side of the marina who faced with the same problem welded two fittings together and decanted the gas into his bottle. Such is the camaraderie here he was happy to help Si out who split the cost of the expense. The light faded as we attended to few more tasks then the search for a strap from my leather flip-flops. I have been looking everywhere for summer shoes with no luck and now I am one pair down. I was decidedly flustered when Deb and Al invited us for a drink: Just what the doctor ordered! We chilled, especially me, until we all realised we were running really late for tonight�s social event; the welcome party hosted by the town hall. Soapy water pumped out of boats all around and scrubbed up we set off for another abuse of our livers.

�� I had no idea they would go to such lengths to welcome us here. A large open courtyard by the museum and restaurant had a huge screen in one corner playing a slideshow capturing the ARC event. Tables heaved with cocktails and waitresses made sure we didn�t get thirsty. There was a huge turnout with excited children and chatty adults. The welcoming speeches were followed by spectacular entertainment with dancers and drummers in elaborate brightly coloured carnival type costumes. Three drag queens in outrageous costumes and twelve inch heels sang and danced while fireworks exploded overhead. I was surrounded by a sea of smiles and laughter and it felt wonderful. By the time the drummers led the entertainers away everyone was jigging to the latin music and dancing took over. Drinks and nibbles were offered all evening and it was quite simply a fantastic evening. The steering problem was worse tonight and I made a mental note to beware of any future cocktails!