About to leave "Trini" !

David and Lynn Wilkie
Sat 1 Dec 2012 23:59
We have stayed rather longer than anticipated- waiting for new sailcovers ordered in May!
Thursday we went for a day trip to Asa Wright National Park  ( www.asawright.org ) where we were captivated by all the different birds feeding just feet away from the veranda where we relaxed after a short hike in the rain forest.
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                        Honey Creeper                                                                                        Kiskadee
The Honey Creeper and Kiskadee were just a sample of the birds spotted.......... pictures were taken from the web site  www.asawright.org    as my camera couldn’t do justice to the birds we were seeing
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                                                                                                                    Ants on the move
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Then off to the Caroni  Swamp and Bird Sanctuary for a boat trip to see the Scarlet Ibis returning to their evening roost. Their colour is amazingly vivid and as they return to the mangrove island the green gradually turns red; an impressive sight.
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The Scarlet Ibis flying in but again my camera couldn’t do justice to the sight so hopefully this link will give you a much better picture of what we saw.
We do enjoy the friendly people of Trinidad and the interesting fellow ‘yachties’ we meet but the temperature and humidity is too high and perhaps that explains the lack of urgency among the indigenous population – “ now” literally means “ sometime soon “ !
Sunday we plan to head north to Grenada and beyond with the plan to visit favourite haunts and explore some new places too.