CCA Gam!

44.00.766N 069.04.062W A lovely peaceful night at anchor in beautiful Maple Juice Cove and we debated just staying another day! Mid-morning a lovely launch came by and the owner asked about “Moonbeam”. The owner turned out to be Cabot Lynam of the nearby Lynam Morse Boatyard which has built some beautiful yachts. He invited us to use his dock for a walk ashore so we enjoyed a 3 mile walk along quiet lanes.
Maple Juice Cove
Postbox on the remains of a mast! We lifted the anchor at lunchtime and headed off past Port Clyde ( where did they get that name ? ) and into Penobscot Bay. Here we headed for Tenants Harbour and entered Long Cove just to the north where we managed to find room to anchor among the many lobster buoys which just seem to fill the horizon!
Approaching Long Cove
At anchor Long Cove
Tenants Harbour
Saturday we had been invited to a Cruising Club of America meet so we pottered across the few miles to anchor at Dix Island where eventually a dozen yachts gathered and after drinks aboard one of the larger vessels ( there was a rum keg ! ) we went ashore for a barbeque.
At anchor Dix Island We had arranged to meet Brad and Ann from “Breezing Up” whom we had last seen in the Caribbean and they came from Rockport in their launch and stayed the night with us.
Dix and the neighbouring islands were originally granite quarries and there are still large lumps of cut and shaped granite lying around. Although Dix is only a few acres there were once 1000 quarrymen living on the island in 2 enormous bunkhouses. The number of accidents and amount of violence probably cannot be imagined.