Quinta do Lorde, Madeira

Mark & Helen Syrett
Fri 23 Sep 2011 18:09
We have been here a week and set sail tomorrow for the Canary Islands, starting wth Lanzarote.
Here are a few photos:
The espada---a fish that lives so deep that it has never been seen alive. They cook it in a multitude of ways and it is fairly tasteless!
A levada---this is the path alongside a levada. This one was about 11km long---a good walk. Mark carried a rucksack for the first time on this trip, otherwise my yellow bag has been filled and carried by me!
Construction site---this was towards the end of the levada walk and appeared out of nowhere! We think it must be a new reservoir because there was a sign referring to agriculture. The cost was shown as 4.8 million euro of which 700k euro was regional funding and 4.1 million euro by the EC!!
Quinta do Lorde----the village here is unfinished and apparently now ''owned'' by a Portuguese bank and Barclays Bank. They have just started construction work again and hope to complete it by next year. All the buildings including the proposed shops, flats, houses and church are just shells with no-one living in them. The model shows what is proposed and the photograph of the site shows what has been built so far.

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