Lizard Island

Mark & Helen Syrett
Tue 11 Sep 2012 23:50
14:39.697S 145:27.092E
We have decided to spend an extra day here as it is a very beautiful spot with excellent snorkelling on three different reefs swimmable from the beach. This island is where Cook came in the Pinnacle with his botanist Joseph Banks. He left Endeavour on the mainland whilst he tried to find a way out of the reef. He climbed to the top of the hill here and looked out east to the Great Barrier Reef and spotted a likely gap. He returned to Endeavour and sent out boats to sound the likely exit route. He sailed out and this passage is known as Cook's Passage. He then sailed back in but the wind died and he was fortunate to drift back in through another passage without hitting the reef---he called this passage Providential Passage!
There is a small air strip on the island with a resort hotel hidden away---it looks idyllic but we have not visited it.
The anchorage is sheltered from the sea but the wind is horrendous. It has now been blowing 25 knots for 3 days and it is very wearing. The wind gusts on the anchorage are even stronger as there is a catabatic effect from the hill. However we are in 5 metres of water with 40 metres of chain on the sand seabed so we have not moved.
The snorkelling is some of the best so far with marvellous coral of all different types and the giant clams are amazing----like great boulders with jaws waiting to close! We have also seen Nemo and Nemo's Dad in the anemone clumps (clownfish for those who do not know their Walt Disney!)We are now moving North up round Cape York and across the Gulf of Carpentaria, stopping at Gove on the way. Communications, telephone, internet etc. are lacking in this rather remote part of Australia.

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