Isabella, Jennifer and Tracy

Tashi Delek
Mike & Carol Kefford
Wed 9 Apr 2014 21:01

One of the pleasures of our visit to Isabella was meeting Jennifer and Tracy.  Carol sat next to Jennifer on the ‘bus’ back from the volcano hike and thought she was American.  It later turned out that she was Ecuadorian, had been to college in Miami and had relatives living in New Jersey near to Lesley and Philip!  She was travelling but staying at the same guesthouse helping the owners to upgrade their computer system. 


While having a drink in the garden as the sun went down we met Tracy and barely stopped talking for about an hour by which time she was late meeting someone she had arranged to have dinner with.  We later found out that it was Jennifer!  Tracy was another interesting lady; English but fluent in several languages she had taken herself off to Brazil to learn Portugese and set up a business.  We were delighted to join them both again later and learn more.  Both were bundles of energy, drive, enthusiasm and courage so they get out there and do stuff.

