Day 6 - Azores to UK

Donald Macdonald
Fri 7 Jun 2024 17:12
Another steady night and day making a lot of east and not much northing. Wind continues to be unstable in that direction varies 50 degrees and strength up and down 6 - 14 knots. The advantage with being in the ocean and the big changes in direction you cannot see them unless you are watching the instruments all the time so do not feel frustrated when obviously not on the preferred tack for 10 minutes or so. The last couple of hours have been better in that we are spending considerably more time on the preferred tack and the wind is a little steadier at 10-12 knots. 737nm to go.
At 1st light could see a yacht in the distance off the port bow. After 4 hours we had caught up and climb to be just 100m or so below her. We carried on through her lee and now 3 hours later she is way to leeward and behind over 4 miles away as we have now lost AIS contact with her. She is a couple meters longer so most surprised we have done so well. We were not racing though.
For a couple of days I have seen little fins in the water nearby sometimes swimming around the boat, the have never broke the surface so no idea what type of sharks they were. One time I could see 4 fins. It is the 1st time I can recollect seeing sharks out with us.
It has continued to be cold, John had to route around in his bags to find gloves, Last night the cabin temperature was down at 12C, by deduction it must be colder outside. Sea temoerature is down to 16C yesterday it ws 15C so ther must be little streams of colder or warmer water flowing out here.
Tonight, heel permitting, as on port tack bad for working in the galley, dinner will be cornbeef, baked beans, mashed potatoe, sliced bread, cheese (this one even stronger than the last one, very tasty) then sliced peaches in juice.