Day 7 - A breakage today

Donald Macdonald
Mon 26 Jun 2023 16:19
Position: 49.40N 9.25W
Some of you may have thought there has been something missing from these updates recently, not today. Black spinnaker went up at 0800 and the Belgium Jib (others I have it a 'Dutch Cap') did get me 1.5 knots extra speed in the then 12 knots wind. After a couple hours decided I do need to get more easting's in, should probably have tried harder for them yesterday. Whilst setting up for the gybe, boom gybe preventer removed and 2nd pole put on spinnaker. Due to the rollyness of the sea the boom gybed although only 180 degrees to wind as mainsheet caught around winch handle knew had to let it go back as would have been very awkward to untangle went back no problem operated jogger button on autopilot control and did gybe properly ensuring sheet not catching on anything. Once settled down leeward side spinnaker pole removed. No breakages, excellent.
Went for a nap after a few hours later for 60 minutes. Woke as something had changed, a noise, motion not sure what. From bunk could see spinnaker flying freely, all good, but wait that side should be held down with the pole. Now know have spinnaker on the loose jump from bunk, shoes and foul weather trousers on. Inspection showed the spinnaker guy rope had chaffed through by spinnaker pole. Shackle still on sail, guy trailing in the water. Lucky this happened with the spinnaker in the snuffer as all I needed to do was pull snuffer down to kill spinnaker working. If not I would have had to do a complete spinnaker drop to retrieve shackle, tie guy on and then pack spinnaker before re-hoisting. Guy tied to shackle and pull snuffer up, did take I think about 20 minutes to get snuffer up due snuffer jamming on sail partly because of gybe earlier and it twisted a few times lower down when repairing guy. Jib was not put out as could introduce other problems with the Belgium Jib still up and all those extra lines going past top swivel.
The wind is supposed to build as the day goes on so I suspect if not already down will drop the spinnaker before dark so to reduce risk of foul ups of not seeing what sheet has caught on what if 20 knots arrive or unseen gusts hit as clouds do seem to be building in the distance. So far Harold Snr is coping well with the conditions the longer swell and extra speed. Long may it continue.
Dinner will be Chicken & Vegetable big soup, baguette (last one on board), lump of cheese then pear halves. Snacks overnight Jelly Babies, Ginger Nut biscuits and part of Bourneville Dark Chocolate bar.